Egzemplarz Książki
C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings
Diana Pavlac Glyer

Status egzemplarza
Do wypożyczenia
Szczegóły książki
- 9781606352762
- Liczba stron
- 185
- Wydawnictwo
- Kent State University Press / Black Squirrel Books
- Data wydania
- 2016
- Język
- en
- Dodano
- 8/27/2023
Właściciel książki
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Opis książki
"C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the other members of the Inklings met each week to read and discuss each other's work-in-progress, offering both encouragement and blistering critique. How did these conversations shape the books they were writing? How does creative collaboration enhance each individual talent? And what can we learn from their example? Beautifully illustrated by James A. Owen, Bandersnatch offers an inside look at the Inklings of Oxford - and a seat at their table at The Eagle and Child pub. It shows how encouragement and criticism made all the difference in The Lord of the Rings, the Chronicles of Narnia, and dozens of other books written by members of this literary circle. You'll learn what made these writers tick and more : inspired by their example, you'll discover how collaboration can help your own creative process and lead to genius breakthroughs in whatever work you do"--Back cover.
Komentarz właściciela
"Notatki i podkreślenia robione na zielono. Książka kupiona na Amazonie. Z osobistym ex librisem."
Lokalizacja książki
Statystyki egzemplarza
2Zeskanowań kodu
Literary Criticism